Whatever your needs, whether it be a single straightforward Intro 5 Kiosk or a fleet of Fully Integrated Intro 17 Kiosks, each and every one of our elegantly simple Self-Service Kiosks will become a valued member of your staff.
Self-sufficiency leads to greater efficiency Qms Kiosks ensure everyone knows when, how and what they’re supposed to be doing. They keep your staff well informed, put your visitors in control the second they enter the building and help you coordinate and plan your resources more efficiently.
Our Top of The Range, Fully Integrated Self-Service Kiosk
Flexible, Convenient and Powerful
* Requires Intro 8 for Solo which is the proven solution for use with Qms Solo. Compared with Qms Intro 8 the kiosk is slightly limited with regards to performance and functionality.
Our most Straightforward, Powerful little Self-Service Kiosk
And learn how to Streamline your Customer Journey Management and Improve your Customer Experience. Contact us for more info