Customer Feedback

Designed and built for purpose with unmatched quality, reliability and flexibility.

Looking to Improve Customer Experience? Let the Customer Help Out!

Did service meet expectations? Improvements required?

Find out by asking customers and analyzing the data gathered. With our Expressia Solution, customers can rate visit as soon as done while still in your environment. This gives a unique immediate feedback to simple questions.

Online Surveys for Customer Convenience

For slightly more complex questions and when you want to let your customers respond when it suits them the best, we offer the more Advanced Customer Feedback Module for Orchestra 7. The Module allows you to design a User-Friendly Online Survey and send an invitation to respond to your customer as the visit is completed. The questions may be of different types (star rating, multiple choice, free text, etc.). The questionnaire can also contain conditional follow-up questions (i.e. they may differ depending on previous answer).

Analyze Feedback Data through Orchestra or Qms Insights.

Analyzing your Customer Feedback Data is key to improvement. For this you either use the Reports Module in Orchestra 7 or Qms Insights (when running Orchestra 7 on Managed Service by Qms). These Modules offer several predefined reports tailored for Customer Feedback Data.

Get the Most out of the Journey

A great Customer Experience is delivered and perceived. Our technology solutions give you the ability to control the delivery, measure the perception, and put it all together to work toward the most positive impression on your customers, employees, and operations.