Virtual Meeting Solution

Serve customers remotely with Qms’s Online Meeting Software, Remote Service Delivery

The Complete Solution for Virtual Customer Journey Management

Qms Remote Service Delivery is a complete solution for the Customer Journey when you offer remote services. With our online meeting software, it is simple for customers to book and keep updated on their own appointments. Customers can be updated when/how to check in and connect them with the right staff member. Upon completion of services, customers have the opportunity to give feedback to improve the business.

Service delivered to the living room

Offer clients service exactly where it suits them. Our connector for remote service delivery provides the possibility to serve customers via video call or chat.

You can configure which service options should be available, and when customers opt to be remotely served when they receive a meeting link. This link leads to the same online meeting that a staff will enter instead of calling the visitor in the waiting area.

Flexible Virtual Meeting Software for Differing Needs

Qms Remote Services is a flexible solution that caters for a variety of different companies’ requirements, as well as customers’ differing diverse needs. Customers can book an Appointment Online via a call center or with a walk-in visit. Our solutions cover both physical and Virtual Customer Journeys.

How an Online Meeting Software works with Qms Solutions

  • Customer books an Appointment and chooses to have a Virtual Meeting
  • Confirmation and Reminders are sent via SMS and email for the upcoming meeting
  • Customer checks in via the meeting link in the reminder message
  • Staff receive check-in notifications and enters the same meeting room
  • Drop-in customers can scan a QR code and choose the service they require and wait remotely for their virtual meeting

Level up your services with a Virtual Meeting Platform

Qms Remote Service Delivery enables:

  • Keep services running while maintaining safe social-distancing measures
  • Offer more accessible services and better flexibility for clients
  • Provide a seamless digital experience for your customers

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Contact us for a short online demo with one of our product experts.